'Nintendo Switch' Release Dates Updates: 'Resident Evil 7' Still Not Possible; 'The Legend of Zelda' Scheduled For March 3

By Maria Follet - 27 Jan '17 07:21AM

There are now many perks waiting for those who badly want Bandai Namco's Nintendo Switch nowadays. Reports say that there are many exciting game titles as well as other enhancements regarding the game console's developments.

One of these is the possible inclusion of Resident Evil 7, which apparently will be having its first appearance on PS4s. And not just that, PC, as well as users of the Xbox One will have the chance to feature this game. But, is there still a chance that this hybrid game console will be able to have such game title in the present time?

As the Nintendo Switch Producer Masachika Kawata has shared to Express, the inclusion of Resident Evil 7 may not be expected for now, as she said that the console is pretty "unique" for the game console. Kawata has only assured that the team has been looking on the game console's system for the possibility of Resident Evil 7 to be compatible with such device.

So what are the things that a gamer shall expect more about this Nintendo Switch? Reports tell that it will be the dark UI mode. As what was featured at Latinos Health, this mode will enable the gamers to "switch user accounts during playtime." In fact, there was a photo about it that had been circulating in the community of netizens gamers.

Aside from "The Binding of Isaac" as one of the games of Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda will also be included. But now, fans are getting curious about what will possibly be the differences when this game will be played by both Switch and Wii. Switch will hold up 900p to The Legend of Zelda as the Wii will have just 720p in the house. March 3 will be the date for gamers of Switch and Wii users as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be officially introduced.

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