Medical 'Marijuana' Has A New Form And This Time It Is Without The High, What We Need To Know!

By Carrie Winters - 02 Jan '17 11:40AM

There are reports that teens look at "marijuana" to be harmless after the series of its legalization. It is also indicated that CBD has been found useful for treatment of some illnesses.

It is reported that teenagers have been using "marijuana" more right after it has been legalized for adults. Teens perceive the as harmless since it already has been legalized and can be used anytime. It is likely that more and more young generations smoke marijuana at an early stage.

The same report indicates that there has been a significant raise on the number of "marijuana" users in teenager's right after its legalization in most states. This research for the number of users has been specifically done in the Washington State where marijuana is legalized.

In the meantime, cannabidiol or CBD is reported to treat seizures without the high on patients. This has been proven by a certain patient who has been treated for his seizures using CBD according to a report. After being treated with marijuana with a high level of CBD, Jackson Layden has been free from seizures. He continues to smoke but does not get high.

For many years, research indicates that tetrahydrocannabidiol or THC is best in the treatment of pain, nausea or other problems. A recent report also indicates that CBD treats these problems but does not give the patient a certain high.

Meanwhile, it is reported that medical marijuana also has its downside. There are more people smoking it because of its legality. At times, it may seem that the usage of marijuana is higher since it is easily bought.

There are less doctor's prescription to buy it any longer. In the states that marijuana is legal, there has got to be dispensaries that can be seen especially with those who use it that are 21 years old and below. The usage of such needs to be regulated. This may decrease the number of young individuals using marijuana anytime.

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