‘Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Divorce’ Issues Up; Fabricated Gossip To Stir The Imagination?
An issue is stirring public curiosity regarding the relationship between "Jennifer Aniston and hubby Justin Theroux" over a rumor problem leading to a possible divorce. It was mentioned that the cause is due to baby problems and other causes that would crumble a marriage.
Baby problems could be a possibility as Jennifer is at a late age in conceiving one. Or someone doesn't want to have a baby. Either party could cause a collapse of a relationship that could eventually lead to something like a divorce.
One issue stated on a tabloid claiming that Jenny wanted a surrogate family but Justin won't allow it. Another mode of destruction that tabloids want to inflict on celebrity couples, as stated on a write up for Hollywood Take.
When Jenny's friends heard of the damaging gossip, everybody sped up to their home to somehow extend their sympathy. Jennifer described the sagging shoulders and dropped down faces when they showed up in their house. She said she was confused as to what grief had befallen her friends. When all of a sudden a roasted turkey was brought in then another. It was a surprise friendsgiving celebration for the couple.
Issues like this never stop between "Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux". They had been constantly bombarded by lots of these threats all their relative married life.
An issue over certain tabloids even managed to post a timeline for their so called "Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux" divorce. It stated that they'll be splitting after the Holiday Season as stated in a column of the Inquisitr.
The verdict of this issue is now squarely faced by "Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux". The culprit of this publication is a tabloid called the Gossip Cop. They were told to correct such fabrication that could utterly destroy the lives of couples.
Despite this damaging gossip, the couple held strong and thwarted off the gossip and held their relationship intact.