Scientists Claimed That Jupiter's Europa Is An Icy Noisy Moon

By Rain Cervantes - 17 Dec '16 06:26AM

Europa is the smallest of the four Galilean moon orbiting Jupiter. It is the sixth-largest moon in the Solar System and the sixth-closest to planet Jupiter. Recently, it was discovered that Europa is a noisy icy place.

The large ocean that splashes the icy sheets of Europe is tugged hard by Jupiter's dominant gravity. According to Mark Panning that Europa has frigid waters. Panning is a geologist at the University of Florida. The study revealed that after diving in through a very subterranean borehole the seismic simulations contained information only up to 2 hertz of a noisy icy sound.

Europa is mainly made of silicate rock and has a water-ice crust and possibly has an iron-nickel core. The Galilean moon has a fragile atmosphere composed primarily of oxygen. Europa has the glibbest surface of any known solid object in the Solar System.

NASA has been developing a Europa flyby mission for the last several years. The scientists are investigating the 1,900-mile-wide (3,100 kilometers) Galilean moon's ocean and its life-supporting potential courses. The European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) has a main mission to one Ganymede that will launch in 2022, however, it will also conduct two flybys of Europa.

The smoothness of the surface has led to the theory that a water ocean exists beneath it, which could conceivably harbor extraterrestrial life. Panning and his team took three hours' worth of data from their seismic simulations and compressed the data into a 20-second clip. The researchers used the software provided by Georgia Tech researcher Zhigang Peng. The frequencies were converted into the audible- range.

The turbulence effects of Europa's soundscape doesn't incorporate the contribution of water instability which compared to the Earth's ocean noise. The researchers presented the recent discovery on Wednesday at the annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). NASA's proposed  Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission will launch in 2020.

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