Battle of Syria: Here Is What Is Happening

By Jean Paula - 14 Dec '16 09:41AM

Extra judicial killings, war, corruption and other political viruses started to claim territories around the world, and that is exactly what happens now in Syria. People have been battling for survival for months now, and no intervention seems to be very effective against the war.

Just last Monday (December 12), not less than 100 residents were executed as the government searches for terrorists who are trying to blend in with the population. The Telegraph then reported that there are other unreported cases of summary executions, forced disappearances, torture and rape cases which took place on the same day.

People are no longer safe in the area. Some have already committed suicide instead of letting their bodies be slayed by political animals roaming around. Yet, Syrians are hopeless because they were stuck, and only a little help from concerned neighbors were given a chance to enter the territory.

"The bombs are falling as we write this," said the White Helmets or the Syrian Civil Defense who were handling information to Telegraph staff. "It is too late for the people of Aleppo. They will follow the restless souls of Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur in a long line of victims abandoned by the international community," he continued.

The Huffington Post then enumerated ways on how civilians can reach out to the rest of the trapped residents in Aleppo, Syria. Some of the groups open for donations are British Red Cross, The White Helmets, Doctors Without Borders, Hand In Hand For Syria, Karam Foundation, and The Syrian American Medical Society.

The United Nations have announced that what happens in the world exhibits a meltdown in humanity. With more than half of the world population still unconscious on what is happening, media have been used to disseminate further information on Aleppo happenings

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