Apple AirPods Backordered Until 2017, Apple Promises Steady Supply: Here's How To Get One Before Christmas

By Rita Mendoza - 14 Dec '16 05:30AM

Apple AirPods are finally available on Apple Store with some customers already getting the Bluetooth-enabled device before Christmas. Some weren't as lucky, though, as it quickly sold out few minutes after it went on sale. For those who couldn't order online within the few minutes window period, here are places to snag Apple AirPods before Christmas.

Apple AirPods retail at $159 including charging case. It first debuted online but will be shipping out deliveries to licensed retailers soon. The Apple website states that Apple AirPods deliveries will start next week. The company also stated that new stocks will arrive at Apple Authorized Resellers, select carriers, and Apple Stores next week. Be warned, however, as the Apple AirPods deliveries will come in limited quantities.

Apple also encourages customers to check back online for stock availability and delivery dates as the stores will be delivering steady AirPod supply. Apple AirPods will be available in 100 countries. Others may have more luck purchasing from foreign countries including United States, Australia, China, Canada, France, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Germany, Netherlands, UAE, Japan, and the UK.

As expected, the limited quantities of Apple AirPods that went on sale have already caused some to post ridiculously marked-up prices of the earbuds. One seller posted a listing for $1,590 a pair, 10 times the original $159 price tag, while another seller also listed Apple AirPods for $2,000 a pair. And their reason for such a high margin? The seller doesn't want to sell them. While the prices could go down if Apple supplies steady deliveries, those who want Apple AirPods under their Christmas tree may have to wait until the demand settles down.

Estimate delivery date as of 7:30 A.M. is in 4 weeks. So for Apple AirPods fans who want a pair as Christmas stuffer, lining up at licensed Apple authorized resellers next week may be the only option to snag one before the 25th.

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