‘NBA 2K17’ Latest News And Updates: Here’s How Players Can Keep Themselves From Being Banned From The Game

By Harry J. - 05 Dec '16 09:57AM

A report from Forbes magazine said that there are a number of practices that may lead players to be banned from 'NBA 2K17." The ban can either be temporary or permanent depending on the type of infraction committed by the player. In order not to be banned from playing this very popular video game, players need to think about the following tips.

Don't Buy Virtual Currencies From Other Gamers

One of the things that may cause a player to be banned from playing "NBA 2K17" is by buying VCs from other players using genuine money. Apparently, this is not allowed in the game. Therefore, players need to avoid this practice if they want to continue enjoying the game.

Don't Use Third Party Websites

Third party websites that are offering cheaper VCs are also one of the things that will cause a player to be banned from playing "NBA 2K17." A lot of these third party websites are patronized by players because they offer almost half the price of VCs than the official website of 2K.

Don't "Farm" Virtual Currencies

Farming VCs is another form of cheating on "NBA 2K17" that some players do. This is not also allowed in the game. Players do this to rake in a particular quantity of free VC each time they place a My Player, thinking of deleting them later on.

Don't Use Hacks Or Bots

Players are advised not to use hacks or bots to exploit the glitches in "NBA 2K17." Some PC users are doing this in trying to get unlimited MTPs or VCs. In the last two patches of the game, 2K Sports have tried to eliminate these hackers.

Those Trying To Sell VCs Should Not Advertise Them On Twitter Or Facebook

Players who will try to sell VCs are advised not to use Twitter or Facebook to post their ads. Such type of selling strategy is regarded as a first violation by 2K. If a user continues to post such add, he may be banned from "NBA 2K17."

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