A Fleet Engine Failure: Prince Harry Has Endured A Series Of Uncontrollable Moments

By Mary Lourd - 29 Nov '16 22:45PM

The Royal Fleet Auxiliary Wave Knight was set to have left for Grenada, however, last night the ship encountered an engine trouble and still in the coast of St. Vincent.  The royal prince is on a two-week tour of the Caribbean.

The generous prince waited on board until the middle of the day hoping the trouble would be fixed. Crews were urgently tiring to get the ship fixed for the royal man aboard will be in time for his next royal appointments.

On the other hand, if it cannot be fixed in time, the team was planning to let the prince be boarded on a helicopter and spend the night on the private island of St. Vincent. Series of uncontrolled events took place, so Prince Harry was transported by a charter plane to St. George earlier on Monday.

He has been given a tender welcome by Governor General Dame Cecile la Grenade. The handsome prince looked great in a dark suit with a matching tie.  He showed a minute of silence as a respect for Fidel Castro.

In Grenada, he visited an exhibition of social and environmental projects on Grand Anse beach. He encouraged young people to support the organization. He took a 10-minute ride to visit locals nurturing corals to replaced damaged reefs. Locals are building an underwater nursery for coral restoration.

"Globally 75% of coral reefs are under threat from over-fishing, habitat destruction, pollution and acidification of the sea due to climate change. It is fantastic to see Grenada doing their bit for their surrounding ocean and coral reefs. We must protect the things that give us so much," the royal prince said in a handwritten postcard.

One of the crews confirmed that the engine failure did not cause any delay to the royal commitments and the situation was immediately taken cared off.


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