'Rise Of The Tomb Raider' News: Croft Manor, New Updates & The New Tomb Raider Film Release Date

By Leby Nightray - 27 Nov '16 05:12AM

The "Rise of the Tomb Raider" was excruciatingly good and players wanted it more than ever. The new edition and story line of the game added more difficulty in survival but it adds more thrill which makes the players try and see if they can beat the game.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" has reportedly received new skins and outfits but it also comes with an update with extremely difficult survival challenges. The 20th-anniversary edition that is set in Croft Manor had a lot of contents which ranges from an hour-long mission that was called 'Blood Ties' and a score attack mode. Visiting the Croft Manor again is very interesting as returning to the mansion brings nostalgia for Lara and the players of the original series.

The addicting "Rise of the Tomb Raider" was very popular since the release over the past years and as time goes by it ended up as one of the best-looking games. According to a review, it became one of the all-time favorites and the good graphics of the wilderness, tombs, and other surroundings will get even more beautiful with the use of a monitor that gives someone a wider perspective.

The game "Rise of the Tomb Raider" may be appealing to some but some are not interested in playing games, luckily, thirteen years ago, it was widely known that Angelina Jolie portrayed Lara Croft in the film entitled "Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life". The graphics that time may not be as good as the one's today and so the fans are lucky to hear that it was announced that the franchise is due for a reboot and is now currently in pre-production.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" have realistic graphics and a very interesting storyline that turning it into a film, and now rebooting it, was something fans have already expected. The upcoming "Rise of the Tomb Raider"  will be simply entitled "Tomb Raider" and Alici Vikander will star in the film which was set to be release this March 16, 2018.

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