'South Park' Rumors of Postponement of ' Season 20 Episodes 7 and 9' Have confirmed Airing Schedules

By Lester M. - 07 Nov '16 06:00AM

After the announcement of the postponement of "South Park Season 20 Episode 7", which was to be shown last November 2, 2016 and has to be shown on November 9, yet another postponement looms over the weekends. This time, it's "South Park Season 20 Episode 9".

This postponement is supposed to be shown on the 23rd of November. The studio managers had decided to postpone it with reasons unknown, just like Episode 7 as stated from an article in itechpost

The rumored airing of "South Park Season 20, Episode 9" that was postponed from November 23 to December was a false alarm. Instead, the confirmed slate for showing episode 9 will be on November 30, 2016 according to an article in Parent Herald

These postponements are referred to as "dark weeks" by the South Park Studios, however, no apparent reason was given by Comedy central or the Studios that runs the show.

Speculative rumors abound for "South Park Season 20, Episode 7" that Hilary Clinton will be tapping the services of a hacker named skankhunt42 in rigging the elections for her to win. The internet genius is commonly named Gerald. He is expected to redeem Hilary Clinton from her past political shortcomings to seal her presidential bid. She was even provided a photo of Skankhunt42 (Gerald) as the "cleaner" of her dirty past as stated on MNG, Movie News Guide.

In the previous episode 6, the entire city of Fort Collins was hacked by Gerald and his team. They were in eminent danger when the Danish Government hunted those who made the cyber-attacks on the city of Fort Collins. This how Clinton's people got hold of Gerald's capacity to do the job for her. The sixth episode had shown Hilary Clinton's staff advising the presidential runner to hire the computer geek and make her win the coming electoral process, thus fans will be witnessing how this plot goes in "South Park Season 20 Episode 7" on the 9th of November.

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