Pokemon Go Halloween Event News & Updates 2016: Stock More Candy & Increase Spawns

By Maria Follet - 27 Oct '16 08:22AM

Pokemon Go just released their spookiest pocket monsters Wednesday. The Halloween event revealed spectacular features, including how these pocket monsters spawn differently than the others.

Creator of the popular app confirmed through a promotional video that there are seven (7) Pokemon Go characters with increased spawns. Avid users of the game went to Reddit to share their list of pocket monsters which are included in Pokemon Go's Halloween Event. On their list are the following: Zubat, Cubone, Meowth, Drowzee, Marowak, Gastly, Hypno, Gengar, Haunter, and Golbat.

Heavy pointed out one main pocket monster which will pop more often than those who are included on the list. Their report says that Cubone will probably appear more frequently, based on the experiences of some gamers. Players are invited to get out and hunt for these Pokemon Go characters until November 1.

Aside from the spawns, the report also confirmed that gamers will now have an easy time collecting more candy. This concept might be associated with Halloween Trick or Treats. The more the player goes out to hunt, the more they acquire candy. Getting out will give you four times as many than staying remotely.

Venture Beat notes that this is the first event Pokemon Go dived into. However, the Pokemon Go Halloween does not introduce new characters just like how ordinary gaming platforms players know. But this is a good start for Niantic to show that they can hype up the excitement by giving players a short period of acquiring a great number of collections and scores.

 This Pokemon Go Halloween Event started Wednesday, October 26 and is reported to conclude by Tuesday, November 1. This event might just be one of the many upcoming events for the game. There are more big holidays to look forward this year, including Thanksgiving and Christmas Events.

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