'Naruto Shippuden' Episode 477 Spoilers: Episode Features Death of Sasuke, Naruto?

By KLDatoy - 27 Sep '16 02:50AM

A week from now, "Naruto Shippuden" 476 will be featured which will be followed by a special broadcast episode. Fans are looking forward for "Naruto Shippuden" 477 spoilers to know more about what is coming on the anime.

"Naruto Shippuden" 477 is said to be an hour-long special episode that will air on Sept. 29 which will mainly focus on the fight of Sasuke and Naruto. Many are wondering about the possible outcome of their battle.

According to Parent Herald, this week's Naruto was delayed due to "Pokémon XY&Z which will air on Sept.22. The final battle of the two was supposed to be aired on that day but the creators decided to have a back-to-back episode which will no doubt compensate fans for their desire to watch the most awaited face-off.

Reports reveal that "Naruto Shippuden" 476 will feature one of the most epic fights in the world of anime. Their fight will determine the fate of the Shinobi world.

Aside from the battle, Naturo will show his friendship for Sasuke and will even explain how he cares for him, resulting into a tear-jerking episode. For Sasuke, Naruto is also his friend but since Naruto became stronger than him, he made sure to fight with him.

Since Sasuke turned bitter to Naruto, he will do whatever it takes to defeat him. Movie News Guide reported that he will also declare in "Naruto Shippuden" 477 saying, "Farewell, my one and only friend.”

It was previously reported that their battle will result into their demise but some also speculate that it will be Sasuke who will be in serious trouble but managed to survive with the help of his friends.

According to reports, there could also be another episode, the "Naruto Shippuden" 478 which will mark the 698th episode of the entire series. It is said to air on Oct. 6 and will feature the result of the fight between Sasuke and Naruto.

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