Mobile Game 'Star Wars: Uprising' Closes Shop

By Yuri Mangahas - 26 Sep '16 17:39PM

A year after its debut, Kabam is finally pulling the plug on the mobile action RPG "Star Wars: Uprising."

Announced just hours ago, the company has declared its desire to "decommission the title," following a lackluster performance at the market and the lack of sufficient numbers needed to support "Uprising" continuously.

In addition, all in-game purchases were disabled last September 22, ahead of its impending closure on the 17th of November.

Kabam's official statement reads below:

"On November 17th, 2016, all Star Wars: Uprising servers will be shutting down permanently. As part of this shutdown, we will be shutting down payments today, September 22nd, 2016, to prevent additional payments from occurring."

Kabam also addressed other factors that led them to "Uprising's" unceremonious shutdown. "There are a number of things that go into maintaining a game beyond keeping the power running. Addressing issues, developing content and providing support are important components as well, and we feel those resources can be better served building and supporting Kabam's existing and new titles.

While Star Wars: Uprising was enjoyed by a great community of players since its launch, the game is no longer achieving the level of success needed to maintain the game and the decision was made to discontinue support," said Kabam.

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