Selfless Act of Heroism

By Lord Justin Castillo - 20 Aug '16 16:27PM

"Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we share." These quotes by Norman Macewan seemed to be an inspiration for a woman from Muncie, Indiana.

Muncie, Indiana is an incorporated city and the seat of Delaware County, Indiana

Despite all the dramas that our world is facing, there comes a woman with a golden heart named Jeannetta Presley.

For the people in her neighborhood, it seems like Christmas is a few months earlier.  Miss Presley, witnessed the hardships of her fellowman and thinks that by simply doing something, it might change their lives.

Because of observation, she created something special and she called it a "Blessing Box" with a quote "take what you need, bring what you can."  It is a little black cabinet with a little surprise in a form of non perishable food items and basic toiletries.

In a report by USA today, Presley stated that what's inside that box is not a lot but not a little. She thinks it could help a lot especially to people who have nothing to eat.

Her idea in creating these is that, whenever one of her neighbors is in need, they can have it right away, and when blessed they can give back. 

"I'm hoping that my neighborhood figures out that it's here, and that they utilize it, and come and get what they need," said Presley.

Right after the news went viral on social media, some of her neighbors started to ask for help, but many dropped by to help and share.

Netizens, commented that it would be nicer if we have more of it in our neighborhood.

This simple act of heroism is something that others will look up to. If a Muncie woman can do it? Why can't we?

We can be a hero in our own little ways!

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