Sofía Vergara the sexiest at the age of 40's

By Rida - 03 Aug '16 17:11PM

Sofía Margarita Vergara, a Colombian-American actress, comedian, producer, television host, model and businesswoman has one of the most coveted bodies.

According to Latin Times, she is the sexiest Latinas in Hollywood has made herself look the best at the age of 40's.

How? - The reality is that she made herself firm after noticing that her body started to soften after she hit 40. Over that she read more about metabolism drops when age goes on. Even though she was a perfect curvy woman, people expected more from her.

 "Well, everyone knows that I've never been into working out. I was always very happy with what I have," she told Shape magazine back in 2014.

At the age of 40 she thought of doing something to her body. Under an impressive tr Gunnar Peterson,  the trainer behind her killer curves to get the scoop on the best workouts for that hourglass shape, Vergara worked out using a Megaformer (a machine that has a system of springs and pulleys with adjustable resistance to work your entire body) and classes like New York-based Strengthen, Lengthen, Tone or SLT.

She quoted, "When I do indulge with eating cakes, I exercise a bit harder the next day. My workout motto is really simple: No pain, no cake!"

Squats, squats & only squats are the biggest reason for her shape. The more she worked out the best curves she bought in.

Since married to Joe Manganiello, one of the hottest bodies in Hollywood town makes them a perfect fittest couple of Hollywood.

To see the photos on how Sofía Vergara looked before and now click here.

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