This Exoplanet Is Being Killed By Its Own Host Star

By Dipannita - 14 Jun '16 14:29PM

There is an exoplanet that spins around its sun at an enormous speed and takes only 11 hours to complete an orbit. Unfortunately, the same exoplanet is being killed by its own host star.

The gaseous atmosphere of the exoplanet dubbed PTFO8-8695b is being stripped away by its host star. This is because of the proximity of the exoplanet to its sun. The gravity of the sun is stripping away the outer layers of the exoplanet's atmosphere.

According to astronomer Christopher Johns-Krull of the University of Rice, there a a few other planets in such small orbits. However, PTFO8-8695b is one of the most extreme examples and the star is id only 2 million years old. In fact, the evidences analyzed by the research team suggest that this could be one of the youngest planets yet observed by the team.

While an age of 2 million years might seem huge to humans, it is still less in terms of the age of a planet. For example, Earth is estimated to be 2,300 times older than exoplanet PTFO8-8695b.

Exoplanet PTFO8-8695b was discovered a few years ago by researchers who observed that its host star occasionally appeared dim. Even though its is young, the exoplanet is estimated to be twice the size of the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter.

The exoplanet has been classified as "hot Jupiter," a class of gaseous planets characterized by their close proximity to their host stars. It is located almost1,100 light years away from our planet in the constellation Orion.

The exoplanet is believed to have been locked in a "death spiral" that will eventually break it into pieces. The researchers are, however, not sure about the ultimate fate of the exoplanet.

The complete details of the doomed nature of the exoplanet have been published in the Astrophysical Journal.

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