WWE News: Brock Lesner To Be Expempted from USADA Tests Ahead of UFC 200 Fight

By Soham Samaddar - 08 Jun '16 15:08PM

The United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA) are known to test all athletes 4 months ahead of any scheduled UFC bout but according to a statement released by UFC, the WWE super star Brock Lesner's one off appearance at UFC 200 is going to go ahead after he was expempted from that test. According to the present rules, a performer who makes a return to an outfit must intimate the authorities 4 months in advance so that random tests could be conducted.

However, Brock Lesner's participation in UFC 200 was only confirmed last week and no such intimation had gone out 4 months ago. The wrestler had earlier stated that he was done with MMA but in a dramatic turn of events, he is going to make a return to UFC 200 and the WWE did grant him the permission to make this one off appearance on the 9th of July this year. Lesner is going to go head to head against Mark Hunt at UFC 200.

The UFC released a statement regarding the same regarding the issue. "On June 6, 2016, UFC heavyweight Brock Lesnar was registered by USADA into the UFC Anti-Doping Policy testing pool. As part of the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, UFC may grant a former athlete an exemption to the four-month written notice rules in exceptional circumstances or where the strict application of that rule would be manifestly unfair to an athlete. Given Lesnar last competed in UFC on December 30, 2011, long before the UFC Anti-Doping Policy went into effect, for purposes of the Anti-Doping Policy, he is being treated similarly to a new athlete coming into the organization.

"While conversations with the heavyweight have been ongoing for some time, Lesnar required permission from WWE to compete in UFC 200 and only agreed to terms and signed a bout agreement last Friday. He was therefore unable to officially start the Anti-Doping Policy process any earlier. UFC, however, did notify Lesnar in the early stages of discussions that if he were to sign with the UFC, he would be subject to all of the anti-doping rules. Lesnar and his management have now been formally educated by USADA on the policy, procedures and expectations."

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