Miss USA Pageant Booed After Q&A Includes Contestant's Presidential Pick

By Jennibeth Loro - 08 Jun '16 15:06PM

The Miss USA pageant held at the T-Mobile Arena off the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday met boos and a Twitter outrage as Judge Laura Brown, surprisingly, asked Miss Hawaii contestant about her presidential candidate pick.

If the election were held tomorrow, would you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president. And why would you choose one over the other?" the Harper's Bazaar Executive Editor asked the contestant.

The question immediately met boos from the audience. However, Hardin maintain poise and grace and still answered the question without mentioning any names.

"All I have to say is: It doesn't matter what gender, all we need in the United States is someone who represents those of us who don't feel like we have a voice. Those of us who want our voices heard. We need a president to push for what is right and push for what America really needs," the contestant said.

While on Twitter, netizens expressed their outrage over such a politically-loaded question to Trump's previously-owned pageant.

"My first answer to Hawaii's question is, "How about NONE YO BUSINESS"#MissUSA"

Good job #hawaii. It's none of anyone's business who you are going to vote for. What an awful question. #MissUSA"

"Disgusted with #MissUSA2016 for asking Chelsea Hardin (Miss Hawaii) who she will vote for. Delighted w/her response. #YourVoteisYourBusiness"

In a report, it was said that it was not Brown's decision to ask such a personal question but rather it was scripted and was based on the decision of the Miss USA organization.

Meanwhile, this year's Miss USA 26-year-old Army officer from the District of Columbia, Deshauna Barber, whose answer about women in combat is thought to be the key for her victory.

As a woman in the United States Army, I think ... we are just as tough as men. As a commander of my unit, I'm powerful, I am dedicated. Gender does not limit us in the United States," the beauty queen said.

Barber is said to have decided to take a break from the Army Reserves and may be inactive from military service after winning this year's Miss USA crown.

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