Legend of Zelda Wii U Release Date and News: Nintendo Plans to Show More At E3 Conference

By Jenn Loro - 06 Jun '16 09:49AM

Nintendo previously said that The Legend of Zelda for the Wii U will be the only game that the Japanese gaming giant is planning to exhibit at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) conference in Los Angeles. Recent updates, however, indicate that the company will probably show more than what they stated in their original E3 2016 plans.

For quite some time, the company has been bruised with complaints over delayed game releases, decision to hold off next-gen console, and previous statement of having a Legend of Zelda-only booth. But their recent decision is rationally sound. It will be impossible for Nintendo to court attention with only one game to feature.

As per Kotaku, the company will show off a couple of games for its console in the Nintendo Treehouse livestream event. The company clarified that their earlier confusing statement means that the Legend of Zelda is the only playable Nintendo game so far in their lineup.

In Nintendo's Treehouse event, a live E3 stream will kick off on June 14 through June 15. The first day of the conference will include a showcase event for The Legend of Zelda for Wii U (minus the rumored NX version) plus a gameplay for the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Moon.

On the second day, the booth will be busied with role-playing games such as Monster Hunter Generations for the 3DS, Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past for the 3DS, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, for the Wii U. In addition, a Pokémon Go representative will answer queries in the Q&A along with the latest updates on the augmented reality mobile game.

Meanwhile, IGN reported that Nintendo will giving diehard Zelda fans a 90-minute demos to lay hands on the latest iteration of the Zelda franchise. This will mark the first time non-developers will ever get a chance to try out the game since its initial announcement three years ago. Moreover, 500 fans are getting invited to come and immerse in the Wii U game after the debut announcement during the E3 event.

In the follow-up to the E3 conference in the West Coast, Nintendo is planning to hold 'Super-Fan signup Day' in the company's New York Rockefeller Center office on June 11 starting from 9am. The line is expected to build up at around 7am that day so fans are advised to arrive and stand early in the queue, Polygon reported.

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