Kpop News: GOT7’s Youngjae ask favor to obsessive fans (Sasaeng Fans) to stop invading his personal affairs

By Lord Justin Castillo - 03 Jun '16 09:46AM

On June 3, GOT7 member Youngjae posted a message for his fans for over boarding his privacy. He posted a photo on Instagram with his personal message asking his fans to be considerate and respectful.

안녕하세요 갓세븐 영재입니다. 하루하루 팬여러분들이 주시는 사랑 덕분에 항상 힘이납니다. 그런데 공항 등의 장소에서 개인적인 시간을 보내고 있는 모습을 촬영하는 분들이 계시는데 서로의 입장에서 조금 더 존중해줄 필요가 있다고 생각해요 (예를 들어 제 휴대폰 액정이 전부 비추는경우에요.) 이동할 때에도 옆에서 계속 사진 찍으시는 분들을 보면 혹시나 넘어지지 않을까 걱정이 되고 공공장소에 계신 다른 분들께도 방해가 되는 것 같아 최대한 조심하면 좋겠습니다 그리고 숙소 앞에서 새벽 늦은 시간까지 계속 계시거나 개인 스케줄 이동 시 무리하게 따라오는 차량들을 보면 혹시나 위험한 상황이 발생하지는 않을까 많이 걱정됩니다 서로 안전하게 만나고 건강한 만남을 지속하면 좋겠습니다 못난 글 읽어주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 아가새 여러분 정말 많이 사랑해요 앞으로도 우리 함께 오래가요. (일본어나 중국어 영어 태국어 해석 해주실수있는분 해주시면 감사해요...ㅎ)

A photo posted by @jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk on Jun 2, 2016 at 8:29pm PDT

Below is the English translation of his message translated by Soompi.

"Hello. This is GOT7′s Youngjae.
Everyday I gain strength from the love that fans give.

However, there are some who take photos and videos at places like the airport or when we are spending personal time.

I think we need to be more respectful of each other. (For example, at times when the entire screen of my cellphone is shown.) I'm worried that people following us and continuing to take photos when we are moving to a different location might fall. I would also like for people to be more careful not to disrupt other individuals in public places.

I am also very worried about a dangerous situation happening to those who stay until dawn in front of our dormitory and to those who follow us in cars when we are going to a location for individual schedules. I would like to continue meeting each other in a safe and healthy manner.

Thank you very much for reading my poor writing.

I really love you Ahgases.

Let's continue to stay together for a long time. (If anyone can translate this into Japanese, Chinese, English, or Thai, I would really appreciate it...)


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