Cloud Computing news : IBM Brings Everyone Quantum Computing With Cloud Service

By Zubera - 04 May '16 11:59AM

IBM has launched the world's first quantum computing service in the cloud, giving anyone access to its cutting-edge technology. It is opening up one of the most complex and least understood areas of computing to everyone by launching the first quantum computing service in the cloud, hoping that by giving students, researchers and academics the opportunity to use a quantum computer it will help advance development of the technology. The IBT Times

"If you want to understand what a true quantum computer will do for you and how it works, this is the place to do it," Dario Gil, vice president of science and solutions, IBM Research said in a statement. "You won't experience it anywhere else."

IBM is just one of among the giants working on the development of quantum computing with Google, NASA, Intel, Microsoft and even the CIA, seeking to build a computer that has the potential to be exponentially faster than today's conventional computers.

 "It is a beautiful challenge to pursue the path to build the first universal quantum computer, but it requires us to change how we think about the world," Gil said. "Access to early quantum computing prototypes will be key in imagining and developing future applications."

The probable use of quantum computing systems is huge, ranging from securing cloud computing systems to helping in the development of drugs to accelerating the speed of artificial intelligence systems.

IBM will be hoping that giving everyone access to its system - which is not the most powerful in the world - those using it will be able to assess its reliability and verify that it works in the way it says it does, something which is vitally important in quantum computing.

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