Ted Cruz News: Trump Is 'whining' over GOP nominating process

By R. Siva Kumar - 12 Apr '16 13:03PM

Donald Trump is whining that Ted Cruz swept Colorado's delegates in this summer's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, charged the Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. He had plunged into the Republican party's nominating process Monday, accusing his contestant for the GOP nomination.

"Donald has been yelling and screaming. A lot of whining. I'm sure some cursing. And some late-night fevered tweeting," Cruz cried to all his supporters in Irvine, Calif.

Cruz pounced on Trump once more in San Diego, with an acerbic comment: "As we know in the state of California, whine is something best served with cheese."

The real estate mogul was obviously being hit when Cruz said: "Donald, it ain't stealing when the voters vote against you. It is the voters reclaiming this country and reclaiming sanity."

On the other hand, Trump did not spare Colorado's Republican leadership too, since the weekend's state convention. He did it again on Monday at an Albany rally in Albany, N.Y., calling Cruz's win "a total fix."

"There's so much - the people all wanted to vote. They took away their votes," Trump said. "I think it's going to come back to haunt them because people aren't going take it anymore. We're not going to take it anymore. It's a corrupt system. It's a totally corrupt, rigged system."

Cruz said that all the whines of Trump have been gathered from his struggles in the most current primary contests held at Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Colorado. Cruz splashed his comments on social media.

Trump has linked the Colorado imbroglio to next week's New York primary. Some preliminary surveys show that he inches into a big lead over Ted Cruz as well as the Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

"You're going to go out and vote ... well, we found out in Colorado it's not a democracy like we thought and we're not going to have a rigged election," Trump said.

However, Colorado is not the only spot where the two were battling. Trump got his popular vote in Louisiana's early March primary too by three percentage points. Still, the close fight between the two of them gave the contestants the same number of delegates.

"I end up winning Louisiana and then when everything is done, I find out I get less delegates than this guy that got his ass kicked", Trump said Monday.

The rivals are in a push-comes-to-shove mode to overshoot the other in state gatherings too. The delegates who will attend the summer convention are being chosen and the Cruz campaign has launched a strategic approach to select the delegates. This is one move that is crucial, as Cruz is targeting the 1,237 delegate-mark to win the nomination.

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