Russia Accuses Turkey of having Plans to Invade Syria

By Cheri Cheng - 04 Feb '16 15:58PM

Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday that Russia has "reasonable grounds" to believe that Turkey has plans to invade Syria. Turkey has not commented on the latest allegations.

"The Russian Defense Ministry registers a growing number of signs of hidden preparation of the Turkish armed forces for active actions on the territory of Syria," Konashenkov said in a statement reported by Reuters.

In a written statement, reported by the Washington Post, Konashenkov pointed to pictures taken last year and late January that showed something resembling a transportation infrastructure being built at a checkpoint between Reyhanli in Turkey and Sarmada is Syria. Konashenkov stated that Turkey could use the infrastructure to move troops, ammunition and weapons into Syria.

"Maybe, in peacetime, these facts would indicate the expectation of trade turnover growth between the neighboring countries," Konashenkov said. "However, during wartime, in such a way the transport infrastructure is preparing on the eve of military intervention."

The ministry also stated that Turkey did not provide a "specific explanation" as to why the country continues to refuse to let Russia observation areas where Turkey and Syria come together.

"The Russian Defense Ministry regards these actions of the Turkish party as a dangerous precedent and an attempt to hide the illegal military activity near the Syrian border," Konashenkov added.

The Turkish foreign ministry said that they could not arrive at an agreement after Russia requested for an observation flight under the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows unarmed planes to fly over the territories belonging to the 34 participants.

Ties between Turkey and Russia have been rocky especially after Turkey shot down a Russian plane that was on its way to Syria back in November.

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