Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice: Did The Second Trailer Give Too Much Away ?[Video]

By Peter R - 03 Dec '15 14:18PM

Superman fights Batman, Wonder Woman saves the day from Doomsday. Oops! Did Warner forget the spoiler alert?

The second Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer released by Warner Bros. on Wednesday had fans wondering if Warner gave too much away in the trailer. While everyone felt awed by it, many who commented after watching the trailer said some restraint was warranted.

"Just hearing that roar and the silhouette of Doomsday with the lightning flashing would have been a perfect way to end it. We all knew he was coming, but had no idea what he looked like yet," said one commenter. The Washington Post also had fans wondering if the movie will feature more humor than Man of Steel.

The trailer begins with a rather ignorant Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) chancing up on Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck). The coldness between the two appeared preordained what with Kent telling Wayne that Batman is lawless and Wayne calling Superman a freak and a clown. A young Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) arrives to the break the ice.

The trailer also reveals in graphic detail fights between Dark Knight and Man of Steel until Luthor unleashes Doomsday. Wonder Woman makes a surprise appearance and unites the feuding superheroes to take on the threat. Fans hope Warner has a lot more in store March 26, 2016.

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