The 'Woman' Who Hailed NASA's Curiosity On Mars

By Peter R - 12 Aug '15 10:31AM

An image purportedly showing a woman on Mars has sparked talks of life on the Red Planet.

The image taken by NASA's Curiosity rover on May 31 shows a humanoid woman like figure standing atop a rock. According to CNET, the figure was spotted by UFO enthusiasts and is being shown as proof of alien life on Mars.

Scientists have rubbished such claims and have explained that it is just the brain picking up patterns in such images.

"The fact that so many people are adept at playing 'Where's Waldo?' with rover photos is a testament to our brain's ability to pick out creatures in the visual landscape. It's a talent that helped our ancestors avoid predators or catch prey, but it's a poor strategy in the hunt for extraterrestrial life," Dr. Seth Shostak told The Huffington Post.

The woman's isn't Curiosity's first stroll into alien space. An image taken in the past showed the shadow of a human-looking figure operating the rover. Enthusiasts then speculated that aliens were tinkering with NASA's rover.

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