Legal Action To Be Taken Against Samsung and Oppo In China For Pre-Installing Bloatware

By Kamal Nayan - 06 Jul '15 02:05AM

The Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission will be taking legal action against smartphone manufacturers like Samsung and Oppo over their practice of pre-installing apps on their smartphones.

 In a study of 20 smartphones, the commission found several that were sold with apps already installed, many of which could not be removed. It also claimed that some phones 'stole' cellular data, the Shanghai Daily reported.

The Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission noted that two of the offending models were a Samsung SM-N9008S (Samsung Galaxy Note 3), which had 44 apps installed prior to purchase and the Oppo X9007 model (Oppo Find 7A), which had 71 such programs.

The lawsuit filed agains the companies is seeking a ruling from court that would require smartphone manufacturers to clearly state on the product's packaging what apps have been installed, and give consumers instructions on how to remove unwanted software.

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