Apple Watch 2nd Gen Rumors: Upcoming Apple Wearable To Include FaceTime Camera

By Kamal Nayan - 24 Jun '15 03:35AM

Apple Watch is yet to have its full worldwide release yet, but such is the impatience surrounding Apple products, we already have rumors about the Apple Watch 2.

According to 9to5Mac, Apple Watch 2 will be released next year and will come with a FaceTime-enabled camera. It will also operate with a little bit more independence than the current watch.

"Apple's current considerations call for a video camera to be integrated into the top bezel of the Apple Watch 2, enabling users to make and receive FaceTime calls on the move via their wrists," writes 9to5Mac.

The steps toward independence for the next Apple Watch will hinge on a "tether-less" device, says sources cited by 9to5Mac.

However, in the upcoming Apple Watch (2), we might not see a vastly improved battery, because most of the users (according to Apple) are content charging their devices nightly.

"[Apple] now believes that it can satisfy customers by keeping, or slightly improving, the existing battery life while adding more advanced hardware features," says 9to5Mac.

Sales have reportedly been strong for the watch, but still has been received with some mixed responses. Little tweaks and changes will be key if Apple is to convince people that held off on buying an Apple Watch that version two is worth getting, writes Paste Magazine.

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