Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off' Flash Mob In A Graduation Ceremony Gone Viral

By Maria Slither - 18 Jun '15 08:59AM

A video of a flash mob composed of newly-graduates of Portsmouth High School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire dancing to the tune of Taylor Swift's Shake It Off has gone viral online and got an ample amount of media attention.

Led by Valedictorian Colin Yost, some 230 members of the then-graduating class pulled off a surprise number that received hearty laughter and applause from the crowd, AOL said.

In his graduation speech, Yost wittily ended it by advising his fellow students to "embrace their inner geek," further saying "all you have to do it shake it off."

His last lines prompted the graduates to break their long-kept secret and execute the well-choreographed dance steps.

According to People, Yost, with the help of some friends, set up a private instructional video in front of the mob. A dance leader and stage manager were also there to make sure the smooth flow of dance moves.

Yost and the graduating class are said to have been practicing the dance routines in five scheduled graduation rehearsals. These rehearsals have been approved by school administrators.

"I've always wanted to do a flash mob, and I thought graduation would be the perfect place because our class is very cohesive and doesn't really have a lot of cliques. I was listening to 'Shake It Off' in the car and I thought that would be great for a flash mob, so I talked to a few of my friends about making it happen," Yost said in an interview with MTV via People.

Meanwhile, the viral video was met with comments from users saying that the flash mob lacks significance in the graduation rites.

In a Billboard forum, one user posted: "Way to graduate.. there is nothing "educational" or complex about that trashy song.. they seem brainless sheeps just like Trailor's fans."

Swiftie fans are quick to react such bashing by pointing out that the video has inspired millions of people all over the world.

"but theye still making millions and inspiring people around the world while you're sitting here making comments that will be drowned and lost in all the uselessness that it is lmaooooo."

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