Mac-Friendly Version of Google Chrome Is In Works

By Kamal Nayan - 15 Jun '15 02:18AM

A mac-friendly version of Google Chrome is in works, according to reports. The mac-friendly makeover will address a number of concerns raised by Apple users over the years.

Google's Chrome internet browser is one of the most popular internet browsers and for a good reason. It's simple, intuitive and powerful. But it's not perfect. It takes up a substantial amount of processing space on mac and eats up battery life.

Senior Chrome engineer Peter Kasting recently announced that forthcoming Chrome updates will boost the browser's efficiency by tweaking the way it renders background tabs (the pages that remain open, but which users aren't currently looking at).

"Before: Renderers for background tabs had the same priority as for foreground tabs," Kasting wrote in a post. "Now: Renderers for background tabs get a lower priority, reducing idle wakeups on various perf test, in some cases by significant amounts (e.g. 50% on one test)."

An official timetable for the release is yet to be released but it is expected to go live in the coming months.

An update for Chrome was released last week that improves system battery life by programming the browser pause unnecessary Flash components.

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