Google Releases 'Which Phone,' A Web App That Helps You Find Your Next Android Phone

By Kamal Nayan - 13 Jun '15 02:10AM

Google wants to help you pick your next Android phone (because there're many and its hard to pick one).

The tool, called Which Phone is essentially a phone picker which tries to decipher which phone is right for you by giving you several scenarios for how you primarily use your smartphone.

Each of the categories have few follow-up questions that help Google narrow down the options. You will have to choose at least three categories before the app suggest you a phone.

After you are suggested the results, you can further narrow down the results based on price, size and carriers. You can also filter by Latest released phones.

Google's new app also gives you an option to shop, via a 'Shop Now' button that takes you to carrier's site from where you can buy the phone.

Once you have applied all the filters, you can also email the recommendations to yourself (or anyone).

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