Rashida Jones’ Documentary Reveals Sneaky Ways Porn Companies Lure Girls Into the Industry

By Ashwin Subramania - 30 May '15 12:20PM

Rashida Jones in her new documentary 'Hot Girls Wanted' tackles the issue of how companies lure young girls into porn with the promise of fame and money.

During an interview to Yahoo, Jones said, "Not to blame pop culture but rappers talk about porn stars. There are people who have become really famous from amateur sex tapes and are now well respected."

Co-director Ronna Gradus pointed out, "It turns out that recruiters just post ads on Craigslist and girls just answer them."

The film that took over eight months to make, attempts to provide a sobering view of the porn industry.

"They get a free ticket. They come out, and they live in these houses with their agent," Jones said.

"They have big dreams about what that's going to mean for them, but there's the grunt work of going out on castings and the first time you're having sex on camera."

"It's a very short life in porn unless you break out. The castings slow down. The choices get harder. You introduce fetish porn and torture porn and all this other stuff that you may not have wanted to sign up for."

The film will start streaming on Netflix this Friday.

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