Jim Parsons Stars as God in New Broadway Comedy 'An Act of God'

By Staff Reporter - 29 May '15 17:59PM

Actor Jim Parsons, who is well known for his role on CBS' hit TV show "The Big Bang Theory," is broadening his acting credentials by starring as God in a new broadway comedy.

In the new show "An Act of God," Parsons takes on the almighty role of, well, The Almighty. The show has been well received and it was even sold out during the preview shows.

The show was born out of "The Book of the Last Testament," a parody memoir born of the Twitter account @TheTweetOfGod - both of which come from David Javerbaum, the former executive producer and head writer of "The Daily Show."

In this incarnation, however, the creator appears in human form as none other than Jim Parsons. In that guise, he's arrived to inform the world about an update of the 10 Commandments.

"It's like having a mild drug trip, completely sober, for an hour and a half," Parsons said after the production's May 28 opening at Studio 54, according to the TV Grape Vine. "It's as much fun and as much terror as I've ever had at one time."

"Literally, an actor can do no wrong in this part," he said. " 'I'm playing God. If you don't like how I do something, tough cookies.' It's a feeling you should carry with you in every play you do! But that's hard for me to get used to, because I'm an actor and I want to be liked."

"Act of God" marks his third Broadway appearance. He's a junkie for the "visceral, electric" thrill the stage gives him. "It feels like home," he said. "But home isn't usually this unpredictable!"

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