B.B King’s Two Daughters Claim Singer was Poisoned to Death

By Cheri Cheng - 26 May '15 12:39PM

The late B.B King's two daughters are alleging that the blues legend was poisoned by two of his closest employees.

The daughters, Karen Williams and Patty King, claimed that King's business manager, LaVerne Toney and King's personal assistant, Myron Johnson did not allow the two daughters and other family members to visit King. The daughters believed that King's associate gave medication that induced diabetic shock.

"I believe my father was poisoned and that he was administered foreign substances," both of the women stated, USA TODAY reported. ""I believe my father was murdered."

The family lawyer, Larissa Drohobyczer added, "The family is sticking together ... to oust Ms. Toney based on her illegal conduct, conflicts of interest and self-dealing."

They are also claiming that Toney sped up King's death via "misconduct, or by failing to properly attend to his medical needs."

Attorney Brent Bryson, who is representing King's estate, stated, "I hope they have a factual basis that they can demonstrate for their defamatory and libelous allegations."

He added, "This is extremely disrespectful to B.B. King. He did not want invasive medical procedures. He made the decision to return home for hospice care instead of staying in a hospital. These unfounded allegations have caused Mr. King to undergo an autopsy, which is exactly what he didn't want."

King died at the age of 89 on May 14 in home hospice care with Johnson at his bedside. None of his family members were present.

Lieutenant Ray Steiber stated on Monday that the Las Vegas police homicide detectives will be investigating these claims. Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg stated that an autopsy was performed on King on Sunday. His body has since been returned to a Las Vegas mortuary.

Test results can take up to eight weeks, Fudenberg noted. However, the early results reportedly do not "substantiate the allegations," CNN reported. The results should not be affected by the embalming process.

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