Russia To Develop Its Own Mobile Operating System; Will Be a Joint Partnership With Finland and China

By Kamal Nayan - 18 May '15 23:51PM

Ever since Edward Snowden claimed that US government has installed backdoors in all major operating systems, countries have started looking for alternatives of iOS and Android.

In a related news, Russian Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov recently announced that the Russian government will create its own mobile operating system.

Nikiforov said that the new mobile OS will be developed in collaboration with Jolla, the company behind the Linux-based Sailfish OS. Jolla was developed by former Nokia employees, based in Finland.

On Twitter, the Russian minister stated that the new mobile OS in development would be a joint partnership between Finland, China and Russia. He also revealed that he expects Brazil, India, and South Africa to participate in the project as well.

The name of the new operating system is not yet official but it would be a separate product and not simply an implementation of sailfish version.

The Russian Communications Minister stated that about 95 percent of the phones in Russia currently run "imported" operating systems such as Android or iOS. Looking into the future, Nikiforov has hopes that this number will drop to 50 percent by 2025. Needless to say, this is a very optimistic forecast, Phonearena notes.

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