Astronomers Find Crucial Clues About Ancient Galaxy Cluster Formation

By Kamal Nayan - 02 Apr '15 14:23PM

Astronomers have finally found crucial clues about the ancient galaxy cluster formation. With the help of Planck Telescope astronomers searched for any lingering radiation caused by the Big Bang.

Findings of the observation were then used to develop a galactic map and finally through Herschel Telescope they got a better look at the galaxy clusters they found.

"Because we are looking so far back in time, and because the universe is assumed to be homogenous in all directions, we think it's very similar to looking at the equivalent of what a baby cluster might look like," project scientist Brenda L. Frye, an assistant astronomer at the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory, said in a press release. "In contrast to previous observations, for which the odd one or two baby clusters was found which one would put in a zoo, we now have found a real sample of 200 baby clusters."

"It was not known whether young galaxies form stars gradually, like marathon runners pacing themselves, or in bursts," Frye said. "It turns out these young galaxies were not forming slowly, but in a dramatic way. Lighting up with star formation, they appear like fireworks going off in the sky. It's like sprinting the first mile of a 26-mile marathon, and then walking the rest of the way."

According to European Space Agency, Milky Way Galaxy produces one star equal or greater in mass to the one in our own solar system per year.

Findings of the study were published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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