Minneapolis The First US City to Convert to Lightening-Fast 10 GBPS Internet

By Peter R - 24 Dec '14 15:04PM

Minneapolis can boast of having the fastest internet connection in the world thanks to U.S. Internet's 10 GBPS launch in the city.

According to PC Magazine, Minneapolis residents can sign up for the service by paying $ 399 per month. Given the demand it expects, the service provider said residents may have to wait hours or even three weeks to have connection. However given the price, the number of new users may be small. The high speed symmetrical connection offering the same upload and download speeds mean users can download full length movies in no time.

"The launch of our 10 GBPS Internet service will make Minneapolis the first city in the world to receive access to the Internet at speeds never before experienced in our country, or any other country for that matter, both in terms of 10 GBPS download and upload speeds," said Joe Caldwell of U.S. Internet, in a news release.

Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that the service provider has already installed a small number of fiber lines to initially start offering the service to 30,000 households in Minneapolis.

"US Internet has long advocated for small business owners and residential customers that they deserve the same broadband as Fortune 100 companies. With our new fiber network, we have redefined what is considered broadband Internet and taken our speed capabilities to next-gen levels, resulting in the fastest Internet service the world has ever seen for home users. Now, Minneapolis residents will have more Internet bandwidth in their houses than some countries have serving their entire country," Cladwell added.

Other high speed internet service providers in the pipeline include Google, and Verizon which is currently said to testing its 10 GBPS connection.

TAGSUS Internet, 10 GBPS, fiber, google, verizon, Minneapolis, Internet
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