Strange Lights On Costa Rican Clouds May Spell The End Of Times Or Hail New Beginnings.

By R. Siva Kumar - 19 Sep '15 09:03AM

The social media seems to have got lit up with a new, strange 'wondrous' cloud,

One strange yet wondrous "iridescent cloud" above Costa Rica has scared rather than excited or lured people, said the Mirror.

Social media is rife with some videos and pictures of an exceptional, rare cloud with multicolored light. They have gone viral on sites such as Facebook and Instagram, with the hashtags #EscazuCostaRica and #ElcieloExtraño, that can be translated into "strange sky."

"We were just so amazed. We had no idea what it was and we'd never seen anything like it," said Joey Petit, who watched the clouds with his family on their Independence Day.

This "cloud iridescence," looks bright and beautiful. A few religious-minded people are attributing it to God.

"It was breathtaking. Like a sign from God," said Jessie Montealegre.

Others say that it is the beginning of the end of the worlds.

Yet some more that it may be an invasion of the aliens, according to hngn.

But perhaps meteorologists will have the last word. They say that the cloud is due to "light refracting off water droplets and crystals of ice in the clouds," according to ABC News.

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