Tech Giants Celebrate Same-Sex Marriage Ruling By Getting a Rainbow Makeover

By Kamal Nayan - 28 Jun '15 02:35AM

Same-sex marriage became the law in all 50 states in the United States and the historic decision was not only just celebrated by LGBT community but technology giants including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Uber, etc celebrated marriage equality and pride with videos, easter eggs and photo filters.

Facebook introduced a new celebrate pride tool that lets users show off their support for marriage equality by turning their profile pictures to a colorful rainbow-imposed profile pic with the same pic.

Google introduced an Easter egg in the search engine. When people searched "marriage equality" it welcomed users by a rainbow themed heart and several colorful people holding hands to support marriage-equality.

YouTube launched a #ProudtoLove month where many of LGBT community members come forward to make it happen in a touching video.

Apple CEO Tim Cook, who publicly came out as gay earlier, celebrated the historic decision via tweet. "Today marks a victory for equality, perseverance and love," he wrote on Twitter.

Apple also colored itself in rainbow colors - created a separate LGBT Pride section in iTunes with rainbow themed iTunes logo.

Uber celebrated the marriage equality by adding a rainbow flag on behind of every virtual car you would see in the map inside the app.

There lived around 690,000 married and unmarried same-sex couples in the U.S as of 2013, according to a study by The Williams Institute.

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